I'm a Senior Research Data Scientist at the University of Birmingham

I am funded by the Institute for Interdisciplinary Data Science and AI (IIDSAI), and based in the Research Software Group.

At the University of Birmingham I have collaborated with:

  • Jianbo Jiao and Ole Jensen on a project using artificial neural-network models of object recognition to look at the dynamics of visual information processing in the human brain.

I'm a visiting scientist at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit

I work with Andrew Thwaites, Chao Zhang and Alex Woolgar on computational models of neural processes, with particular foci on visual perception and speech comprehension, associated with the Kymata Atlas and Neuroverse projects at UCL and Tsinghua University.


I was a Senior Postdoctoral Research Associate at Lancaster University

I worked with Louise Connell on computational models for cognitive science, looking at the role of language and simulation in human cognition.

I was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Cambridge

I worked with William Marslen-Wilson and Lorraine K. Tyler on computational models for dynamic neural processes supporting human language comprehension, and multivariate neuroimaging methods.



I have a personal website.

I occasionally post on Mastodon.

In my free time I make games and other interactive multimedia.

