Preprints and manuscripts
- Modelling implicit bias in gender–career associations: A systematic comparison of language models.
Under review.
- A linguistic–sensorimotor model of the basic-level advantage in category verification. Under review. . (2024).
- Tracking cortical entrainment to stages of optic-flow processing.
Under review.
- Strategies for Automatic Generation of Information Processing Pathway Maps.
In preparation.
- The Kymata Atlas: An Atlas of Information Processing in the Human Cortex.
In preparation.
(* As first or joint-first author. By convention, mathematics publications list authors alphabetically.)
- On the similarity of representations in artificial and brain neural networks for speech recognition. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 16 (pp. 1057439). . (2022).
- Sensorimotor distance: a grounded measure of semantic similarity for 800 million concept pairs. Behavior Research Methods. . (2022).
- Understanding the role of linguistic distributional knowledge in cognition. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience (pp. 1220–1270). . (2022).
- Linguistic distributional knowledge and sensorimotor grounding both contribute to semantic category production. Cognitive Science 45 (pp. e13055). . (2021).
- Entrainment to the CIECAM02 and CIELAB colour appearance models in the human cortex. Vision Research 145 (pp. 1–10). . (2018).
- Relating dynamic brain states to dynamic machine states: Human and machine solutions to the speech recognition problem. PLOS Computational Biology. . (2017).
- A graphical foundation for interleaving in game semantics. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 219(4) (pp. 1131–1174). . (2015).
- A toolbox for representational similarity analysis. PLoS Computational Biology 10(4) (pp. e1003553). . (2014).
- Neurobiological systems for lexical representation and analysis in English. Journal of cognitive neuroscience 25(10) (pp. 1678–1691). . (2013).
- A graphical foundation for schedules. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 286 (pp. 273–289). . (2012).
Editorial and thesis
- Proceedings of the Workshop on Algebra, Coalgebra and Topology (WACT 2013). Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 303. . (2014).
- Graphical foundations for dialogue games. PhD thesis, University of Bath. . (2013).